Thursday, March 31, 2011

Procedura... what?

Yep. In texturing class we have moved beyond the photos for textures and are now only using procedural textures that we convert into .psd files and add a little more stuff in PS and then bring back into Maya. We had to make 5 different textures. I made peanut butter, a shirt fabric, banana, sand paper, and marble. The marble one I don't really like because the conversion process made it look weird but here they are.


  1. Nice ! I still haven't been able to wrap my head around texturing!

  2. I feel ya. I like painting them, but procedurals are new territory. I can always help with textures if you need it sometime. I like making the "Pixar eye". :-)

    Mapping and laying out the UV's is the biggest pain for me.
