Tuesday, August 16, 2011

25 cent peepshows... SIGGRAPH Recap

So here goes...


I got in Vancouver on Wednesday and stayed at the Samesun Backpacker's Lodge until Friday. I only mention this cause if Vancouver has a red light district, Samesun was in it. There was a place for 25 cent peepshows on the corner. Hence the title. This also became a running joke during the week.

So Thursday I woke up and took a walk around Vancouver.  That afternoon I met up with some other SV's and TL's and we went to dinner. This was a good start to the week. Saw some friends from 2010 and made some new ones.

Also saw some sights during the day as well. Stanley Park is amazing. I walked everywhere in Vancouver. Vancouver is a big walking city. Everyone walks there. Granville Street is certainly the place to be in Vancouver if looking for anything to do.

So Friday came and it was time for my first (pre-conference) shift. We were supposed to set up the computers in The Studio. As sometimes happens, the truck with the computers was being held up at border control. Needless to say my first shift consisted of sitting around and talking with the other SV's.

I met up with my roommate Shern when returning from shift and we hit the Steamworks Brewpub in Gastown. This became one of my fave places to go. They have an awesome drink there called the Nirvana Nut Brown Ale. I don't know what was in it or how it was brewed but two of them could knock me on my ass.  I did this just about every night.  Next day was SV Orientation. I could tell right away this was going to be one hell of a fun experience. With Maya Karp running the show, there was never a dull moment.

Then a group got together to see the fireworks in the English Bay. This was the most awesome fireworks display I had ever seen. After the fireworks, we went to a pub called Morrisey's on Granville St. Awesome place.  

Sunday came and did my short shift in The Studio and then started making the rounds. Went to several places but most importantly was the Autodesk Student Experience at the Marriot just around the corner from the Convention Center. Since I registered, I had a cool little badge waiting for me with my name on it. I felt a bit like an important person at that point. During the Autodesk event, I was able to see Carlos Baena talk about animation and his work on Toy Story 3 animating the Spanish Buzz. This was awesome to say the least.

Went out for a party that night. I would describe it, but I honestly don't remember any of it. It was that good.  Before that went and saw more of the sights with some of my new friends. 

Had a total free day on Monday.

Went to the Computer Animation Festival and saw the Commercials, Games and Music Videos presentation. Saw lots of cool stuff there. 

Saw Terrence Masson sitting outside the Convention Center and immediately went up and talked to him. Got his biz card. Score 1 for the day.

Went back in and took in more of the Conference. Went back out to eat, and saw Carlos Baena outside. Immediately went to him and talked to him. He was freaking awesome and very personable. Score 2 of the day.

Then went and saw the Captain America production sessions. I love comic books so I had to see how this movie was made by the people who made it.

Then went to the SV Office for the Special Session with Jeremy Birn from Pixar. Got him to sign my Digital Lighting and Rendering Book. Score 3 of the day.

 Had a late night shift working the reception so I did not get to attend the Chapter's Party. This was probably the biggest disappointment. I'll never figure out why the Chapter's Party was scheduled the same time as the reception. But I had a damned good day so I was cool with it.

So came Tuesday and my long shifts in The Studio started. During my shift I met a girl named Elvira (yes that is her actual name) no joke!! After the shift ended, we went and grabbed a bite to eat and hit the Animation Festival. Many great films were shown at CAF this year. I was amazed by all the work that went into each film. Some were funny, some were very poignant and some drew uncomfortable responses from the crowd. But they were all damned good. Left the convention center and walked Elvira part of the way back to her hotel and met up with the guys and had a few drinks at the Steamworks Pub again.

Next day came for my other long Studio shift. It was over and I was going to meet up with guys to go grab a Canadian dish called Poutine?  Elvira found me in the SV Office and bailed on the guys to hang out with her. What can you do?!! I didn't live that down. The guys ragged on me a lot for that. The fact that they actually saw me walk out of the SV Office with her didn't help any. Turns out Elvira got a ticket from the guy at the VFS booth to see a presentation from a Disney animator and did not know where the place was for the presentation.  I offered to help her find it as I had been in Vancouver for some time now. I honestly think I was the first SV to arrive other than those who did not already live there. I got there before some of the TL's.

So I walked Elvira to where she needed to be for the presentation and was going to leave. I did not have a ticket. I just wanted to make sure she found the place. The person in charge let me come in to the presentation also. I got to see lots of the shots the animator (don't remember his name) did on Tangled. I love Tangled so I was pretty much happy as a lark at this point. And then he showed something special that no one will see until it's release. That was awesome. All that just for making sure someone found where they needed to go. Nobility does pay off.  Walked her back to her hotel and met up the guys again. The ragging on me began at the point during another venture to the Steamworks Pub.

Then came Thursday. Last day. Bittersweet!! Went to the Exhibition Floor. Made the rounds and got my teapot. I was really worried I would not get one cause the line formed fast. I was there, walked out for ten minutes, came back and there it was. But I got the teapot and all was well.  Then came the final SV raffle after check out time. I won something!! I won one of the top prizes.  The Art of Kung Fu Panda 2 signed by the artist's themselves! I also won something earlier in the week during a raffle so I think I did a pretty good job as an SV. Elvira also won something during the final raffle and this is us posing with our prizes. Yes, I look like a dork. I'm not photogenic!!

So with that came the teary goodbyes to everyone and end to one of the most amazing weeks of my life. I learned a lot of new things. Made some new friends, and forged some strong bonds and memories that will last a lifetime. This was an amazing experience at SIGGRAPH with my SV family, but as with all good things, it must end. I love them all and it was a great time and I will miss everyone of them. I can only hope that I will see them again next year. All I can think is that I can't wait to go back home and see my friends again. :-)

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