Wednesday, April 20, 2011

*insert attention grabbing title here*

Yep, I'm still alive... barely. I'm nearing the end of my semester and just about every bit of energy I had is fading. There is something like 3 and half weeks left and now it's getting very heavily loaded due to trying to get everything done on time. It also doesn't help that I've been sick for the past 4 days and working at the same time. I'm the time of person who would be on my deathbed and still go to work. People have told me that I push myself too much, and I know they are right.  But I tend to think, you don't get to be successful by not working your ass off, and pushing yourself to your limits and beyond them.

It is also getting to me that I have pretty much no time whatsoever for any kind of a social life at all. Granted, not that I really want one, I'm sort of a loner. I just want the option. I would rather spend time by myself just chilling and watching movies than hanging out with a large group of people who don't really know anything about me. I'm really more the type of person who randomly finds a kindred spirit and hang out with them a lot. But I don't really even have the time for that. And there really aren't many of those where I live. Artistic types don't exactly come in large quantities in Indiana.

Also, there has been a bit of confusion regarding the Student Volunteer statuses for SIGGRAPH 2011. First my app said "rejected", and then it said "incomplete". I'll admit that I breathed a bit of a sigh of relief when I saw it said rejected. I'm really not even sure that I want to go this year. I keep thinking that I saved all this money for the trip that could be more useful if it were focused elsewhere... like moving to L.A.  Now I certainly don't have enough money to move there yet but with some more saving, it could be possible within the next year.

I would also like to move there because it would give me the chance to get away from a lot of people here that are just breaking me down mentally. Not to go into much detail, but scary stalker types are not good for the psyche. Especially when those scary stalker types have been repeatedly told "NO" about a thousand times. Then being asked by said stalker type, "Why hasn't somebody snatched you up yet?" and I have to reply, "Uh, if anyone does, it won't be you." Hello restraining order.

Also, I did buy and watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Now when I watched it in theaters, I reacted a bit differently. It was probably the excitement. When I got it and watched it at home, I couldn't help but think it's good, but damn it is just dragging on and on. Too much Harry, Hermione, and Ron walking. Not enough focus on Voldemort and his search for the Elder Wand. Not enough focus on Snape or the goings on at Hogwarts. These two things were just as important as Harry's search for the Horcruxes, but it seems like they were just given a backseat to Harry. I know he is the title character, but c'mon.

Now it also time for a walk down memory lane. This song came on the radio during a drive to work this past week and I thought 'WOW'. It's been a while. Not only is it a great song, but also the very first song I learned to play on guitar. Here is probably one of the best live performances of the song. One man and his guitar, in the pouring down rain. It doesn't get much better than that.

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